In helping corporations develop events for their employees and/or clients, one factor has stood out time and time again: the return on investment. Hosting corporate events have been proven to provide a 49% return on investment compared to corporations that only send their employees to events hosted by other corporations (a 7% return on investment). Your employees are your best marketing tool and investing in events that will train them, help them bond, and develop a real connection with the company will provide better customer service.
Doing live events are more productive for a simple reason, people enjoy and need to interact with other people. The social interactions developed in person speak to the character of your company, more than any digital interaction could. Customers are more likely to purchase services from someone they have met in person over a digital ad.
Live events are a way to obtain measurables as to the engagement of your employees and/or clients, what is attracting them to your company, and what is not working. This type of data can be used to spruce up your current events or even develop completely new ones.
Hiring a team of professionals to help plan and execute your events is an investment that can actually help your company save money. In a study done by Webex, it was shown that hiring event planners save corporate events up to $223/hr in labor and resources rather that doing everything in house. That is why many companies are allocating part of their marketing budget to live events.
Corporate events provide you with a unique marketing tool that when executed correctly, will provide your company with leads, connections, boost your image within and without your company and adhere to your brand and message.